Website programming and what are the programming requirements

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Website programming, given the importance of websites for companies, institutions and individuals, as the website is seen as an interface for every successful project, there is no successful business without a website, and there is no institution (governmental or private) without owning a website, so it is a field of programming A website or web programming is one of the areas that are most interested in customers at the present time, as the recent developments in this field have increased the interest because anyone, regardless of the background they have in technology may learn to program websites.

 شركات لعمل ويب سايت
Companies to create a website

Website programming

A website is a collection of pages programmed in a particular programming language or several languages, which are linked together to form an easily accessible site over the Internet.

The site works by browsing the pages that have been programmed and saved in a place known as the server, which plays an important role in the operation of the site and contains all the site files. 

In order to access the website on the Internet, we need what is called the domain of the site.

Which simplifies the process of accessing the site and browsing its pages by typing some characters in the browser.

In other words, the site is programmed, and the programmed files are transferred to the server to be stored there. 

Finally, we connect the site's domain to the server, allowing visitors to view the site's pages by typing the domain name into the link field of your browser to go to the site. 

For example, you can type in your browser to visit the company's website and browse its pages.

What are the programming languages

Programming languages, in general, are languages like human languages, that allow you to address a computer to perform a specific task. 

For example, if you want to communicate your ideas to someone who speaks English, you must first learn the language. 

There are many programming languages that allow you to interact with the computer in order to carry out a specific command.

In the following lines, we will mention only the programming languages used in programming websites in order to stay on the topic, which we are talking about today:

  • HTML programming language: 

This is a language that allows you to build the foundation and structure of the site. For example, building a residential complex requires building a primitive and simple foundation, followed by adding other touches to make it look the way you want. 

This language can be described in this way because it is responsible for programming, and is the basis and structure of the site in terms of all sections, buttons, links, texts, and so on.

  • CSS programming language: 

This is the programming language responsible for adding aesthetic touches to the foundation created by the HTML programming language, as it allows you to shape, color and move the basic elements of the site as you like to turn the structure into something compact and understandable.

  • JavaScript programming language: 

It is also one of the programming languages used to add various effects and formatting to the site, such as sliding menus.

And adding movement to the page, and many other things that distinguish the look of the site.

  • PHP programming language: 

The website infrastructure that represents the link between the visitor and the server, such as the process of displaying certain text after the visitor presses a specific button on your site.

Website programming requirements

These two distinct but complementary fields of programming and design are often confused.

Especially by those with no prior programming or design experience. 

Design and programming are two distinct and complementary fields. There is no website without design, and there is no website without programming. 

But you must understand that web design entails creating the look, colors, menus, etc. of the website.

While web programming requires writing specific codes to achieve this design.

Programming also requires several other things, which are as follows:

  • The idea 

It is necessary to understand the basis or idea on which the site will be built, as the programmer will need to collect all the necessary information for the site, its operation mechanism, and its function before starting any step of the site building process. 

Where this concept is represented through what is known as an imaginary process of the shape of the site in addition to its function and all its sections, and planning it well before starting the programming process.

For example, what type of site? Is it a blog in which articles on certain topics are posted.

Or a site for individual communication, or a site that introduces its visitors to a specific person, company, or institution?

  • the design

This is one of the most important parts Website programming Because it allows you to build the structure and look of the site you want to program. 

It determines the visitor's interest in your site, as there are many sites that contain very useful features, and they lost their visitors due to other sites that contain only a small part of these features, but the visitor's interest in the design aspect was well planned in these sites!

 تصميم واستضافة مواقع
Website design and hosting

Programming experience

  • editor

It is a program that helps you write the code for the pages and modify it with some auxiliary plugins for programmers, allowing you to write the code faster and easier. 

Microsoft's Visual Studio Code editor is one of the most widely used and advanced editors out there.

  • Programming experience

To program a website, you must be familiar with at least two of the previously mentioned programming languages in order to realize the concept on which the website will be built.

In the end, if you think that the process of programming a website is complicated or difficult for you, you can easily contact us Digitallity Agency For web design, then leave it to us.




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