Designing websites through professional companies

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Web design, it is no secret to any of us that technological progress, especially e-commerce, has occupied a prominent position in recent times, especially since the process of designing websites for companies has become a necessity and not something rare or difficult, as the number of people who prefer shopping and browsing through the Internet has increased, There is now more competition than ever before, as there are many web design companies in one city that provide various services such as Website Design And design stores based on the needs of the store owner or project.

 اسعار تصميم موقع الكتروني
Website design prices

Website Design

Requires Website design From scratch a thorough understanding of popular programming languages such as HTML.

But if you have no prior experience, you can easily build a website using a free hosting service like Weebly, Wix, WordPress, or Google Sites. 

Because web designers rely on these sites more than HTML.

If you want to create your own website, you will need to learn HTML and CSS programming.

However, if you are a business owner or looking to take your business to the online domain.

You can hire a professional web design company to do it for you.

What exactly is a website?

A website is a collection of linked pages on the World Wide Web that form a single entity, usually owned by one person or organization, and dedicated to one or more related topics.

Tim Berners-Lee and his colleagues started at CERN, an international scientific organization based in Geneva, Switzerland.

In the development of the World Wide Web in 1989, when they created the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which connects servers and clients. 

The World Wide Web quickly gained acceptance with the development of a web browser called Mosaic.

which was developed in the United States by Marc Andreessen and others at the University of Illinois National Center for Supercomputing Applications and released in January 1992.

 تصميم موقع تجاري
commercial website design

Benefits of owning a website

  • Being with your customers throughout the day

Everything on the Internet can be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year round.

The customer makes very little effort when he decides to order a service or purchase a good through a website.

You can also reach as many customers as possible in different countries and geographies.

Which is especially important given the growing interest in e-commerce and shopping websites. 

Whether you sell a commodity or provide various services, your website can become the primary interface for your company's business.

  • Cost savings

When you create a website for the first time, you will be impressed by the very low costs to get started. 

You can get paid hosting for a few dollars a month, a domain won't cost you more than $10 - if that's normal - and you can get it for even less if you follow different domain reseller offers.

  • Create new markets

If your business idea is scalable, you will not be able to achieve the required level of growth if you do not have a real online presence. 

Think of connecting with people in all Arab countries, we are talking here about tens of millions of daily users.

  • Excellent credibility for your business.

Mostly when we hear about any company in any field, we immediately go to the “Google” search engine to find out more about the company and the services it provides.

But if the company does not have a website and relies solely on social media accounts, it loses a lot of credibility and customer trust.

In the end, through the lines above, you can now find all the details about web design, and you can now contact a specialized company to implement your project.




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